I saw a tweet this morning from Reuters. It included a video – “5 Stories You Need to Know.” The first one was about the Buffalo shooter and the caption read, “… spurring a national conversation about guns, hate and the internet.” It’s amazing that so few words can inspire so much controversy while simultaneously …
Us Mountains
My 15 year old daughter Rosalie, wrote this piece for school. She agreed for me to share it here. I hope you too will share it with your circles. They were conceived when it had already begun and born at the end of it, the worst part of it. Lives created without any afterthought, into …
To White Liberals Thinking of Moving to Canada
The fragility of white liberalism is an embarrassment. Worse than that, it is culpable in the ongoing hate being spread via conservative ideology. It’s easy to point to the xenophobic and fascist motifs permeating what we know as the right wing. Easy to call out the racism and sexism and take a moral high ground. …
There aren’t enough words There aren’t enough songs There aren’t enough dances There aren’t enough paintings There aren’t enough protests full of people shouting There aren’t enough petitions calling for some kind of new policy There aren’t enough stories of suffering There aren’t enough vigils for a lost friend Or brother Or sister Or mother …
It is Time to Look in the Mirror
Are you seeing yourself America? Can you see what you are doing? On November 27, 2015, a man went into a Planned Parenthood clinic, took hostages, wounded nine people, and killed three. One of who was a police officer. On November 24, 2015, three gunmen shot and wounded five Black Lives Matter protestors in Minneapolis. …