This Is Who We Are

It has ended. And so it begins. I have been hearing people all day talk about why the election went the way it did. One popular theory is that America simply isn’t ready for a woman as president. That we, as a nation, simply could not imagine a female Commander in Chief, and so, chose … 


And the Crowd Goes Wild!

“There is only one thing that gathers people into seditious commotion, and that is oppression.” – John Locke “That guy” came to Albuquerque yesterday. Working to “Make America Great Again.” I am still struggling to understand what that means. But I don’t want to talk about that guy. And I don’t want to talk about the … 


Selective Outrage

And blood flowed through the streets of Paris. I mourn. My heart felt condolences go out to each and every person impacted by this violence. But the mourning is never ending. It threatens to leave me numb. I drive through traffic and tears come to my eyes, forcing me to push the sorrow down so … 


Identity Lines

Watching the primary campaigns (as little as possible to tell the truth) I am again struck by this notion of ‘immigrant.’ The conversation begins with who is and who is not permitted to be in our country. But this is not the beginning. Beginning the conversation with borders, allows us to forget our history and …