I saw a tweet this morning from Reuters. It included a video – “5 Stories You Need to Know.” The first one was about the Buffalo shooter and the caption read, “… spurring a national conversation about guns, hate and the internet.” It’s amazing that so few words can inspire so much controversy while simultaneously …
Author: Silverback Gringo
Us Mountains
My 15 year old daughter Rosalie, wrote this piece for school. She agreed for me to share it here. I hope you too will share it with your circles. They were conceived when it had already begun and born at the end of it, the worst part of it. Lives created without any afterthought, into …
Called Out
Recently, I have been reading a lot about call out culture. At the same time, our local SURJ group has been struggling with safety, and what that exactly means in spaces meant to be educational for persons with privilege. I have had a few conversations with folks occupying a variety of identities, about the issue …
Fathers and Daughters
I wrote this piece for A CALL TO MEN. Fathers and Daughters. I hope you will give it a read. After it went live, I had an interesting conversation with a father of daughters. He was very passionate about teaching his daughters to be aware of the dangers around men and to protect themselves. Honestly; …
It’s Not a Theory
I watched the events in Charlottesville via YouTube and the responses from our leadership via news outlets. I wish I could say I am shocked; but I am not. I feel shaken, I feel repulsed, I feel enraged and heartbroken. But not surprised. These tragedies continue to happen both in high profile moments in the …